We all get the importance of fire safety equipment in our premises.
Not all of us get the importance of maintaining them.
There are no second chances in the fight against fire. Nor is it possible to predict when and where a fire may break out. A fire catches people off-guard; which is why it is essential for the firefighting equipment at your premises to be ready for action and work at its optimal best when the time comes.
The only way to ensure this is by subscribing to a professionally managed maintenance service. This service makes sure the fire safety equipment on your premises is carefully looked after, cleaned and serviced. It also ensures faulty parts are repaired or replaced on time, and the equipment functions at its best.

The Situation Today
Ceasefire has been in the fire safety business for decades. During this time, we’ve come to know the market scenario thoroughly, and learn its capabilities and flaws

Only a fraction of companies that actually sell extinguishers manufacture the extinguishers themselves. And from these numbers, even fewer have the capabilities to offer some form of maintenance. Many consumers want to maintain the fire safety equipment on their premises, but cannot locate professional, original manufacturers to manage and operate these extinguishers. This forces customers to resort to maintenance by local, unauthorised, unskilled vendors.
There are customers who invest in highly specialised fire safety equipment, such as kitchen fire suppression systems or in-panel tube-based suppression systems. In many cases, these are international brands, sold only through distributors and dealers who are not equipped to offer dedicated, professional maintenance services. For a fire suppression system to work efficiently in an emergency, all its elements need to perform effortlessly together. The Design must be flawless. Installation needs to be on point. And the Components have to be in perfect working order. It’s why expert Maintenance with constant supervision is an absolute must to ensure the optimal functioning of your fire suppression system.

A lot of establishments who have invested in Ceasefire’s premium quality fire safety solutions use local vendors for maintenance. Apparent cost-effectiveness being the most common reason. However, these vendors have neither the knowledge nor the necessary infrastructure to take on the task. In most cases, their capabilities do not even satisfy the minimum criteria of the comprehensive Ceasefire Annual Maintenance Contract checklist. Using a local, untrained vendor poses a huge risk to the effective functioning of the equipment. Here’s an alarming fact: Most local vendors do not even know how the extinguisher is made!

When it comes to the maintenance of a Ceasefire fire safety product; the Ceasefire AMC Service is the ideal choice. Especially since no one else knows our products as well as we do.
Ceasefire Maintenance Services involve a highly detailed programme, which provides a thorough check of the minutest details of the Ceasefire product installed at your premises. These services are designed to ensure your lifesaving equipment performs optimally during the contract period.
The Ceasefire Services Division comprises of qualified managers, engineers and technicians, who are exclusively trained to provide their customers with dedicated, best-in-class maintenance services.
They do this through regular checks and updates on all your devices. A quarterly report is sent to you so that you know the status of your products. All in all, the Ceasefire AMC services sees that your equipment is ready to perform when you need it the most.
Section BIS 2190 of the Law demands that fire extinguishers must be refilled by the manufacturer or authorized vendors only. It further instructs you to keep 10 % surplus fire extinguishers on premises, in case of downtime due to any maintenance.
In case of a refill by Ceasefire, of course, this is not an issue since we provide you with a new replacement Fire Extinguisher on the spot.
Our professional AMC services include the following:
Cleaning the extinguisher's exterior body
Checking for corrosion and rusting of the exterior body
Polishing the exterior body
Testing the Pressure Gauge to ensure optimum functioning
Checking the Safety Seal
Checking the Discharge Nozzles and Hosepipe
Checking the unused/used Mechanism Metre (for CO2 extinguishers)
Checking the Instalert system (if installed)
Checking for possible caking
Lubricating the wheels (for wheeled extinguishers)
Checking and Weighing the cartridge (for cartridge extinguishers)
Weighing the extinguisher

Cleaning up the Internal System
Cleaning up and polishing the External Body
Checking the Battery output
Checking the Adapter output
Checking the Earthing
Checking the Control Panel relays
Checking the Heat Sensing Tube (HST) for damage
Ensuring the Pressure in HST >=15 bars
Ensuring the Pressure in Cylinder is >=11 bars
Checking the system’s Wirings and Connectors
Checking the Siren and Hooter (alarm) Devices

Checking the Cylinder's Holding Cabinet
Checking the Cylinder's Threaded Connections for leakage
Checking the Heat Sensing Tube and End of Line Plug
Checking the Supply Unit Valve thoroughly
Checking the Mechanical Actuation Units (spring, cartridge
or pneumatic actuation unit) and Pneumatic Actuation Units -
Cleaning the entire Piping
Checking and cleaning of all the Nozzles
Checking the Manual Abort and Release Stations
Cleaning and checking the wiring of the Manual Release Box
Checking the Siren and Strobe (alarm) Units

Checking the Cylinder Pressure (should be > 22 Bar) and Log
Record -
Checking the Electrical Control Head (solenoid functionality test)
of the Gas Release Panel -
Conducting a full check-up of the Gas Release Panel, including
the timer delay and logic of cross zoning and operational test -
Checking the LED
Cleaning and inspection of the Nozzles
Cleaning and checking the Piping (if required)
Checking the Manual Abort and Release Station
Inspection of all Cylinders and Equipment for damage/corrosion
as per the operation and maintenance manual -
Cleaning and tightening the Wires in the Manual Release Box
(if required) -
Conducting a check-up of other small Accessories

Checking the Pump discharge as per the LPM requirement at
the Nozzle head -
Checking the Pump automation with regard to Pressure Switch
connectivity -
Checking all the Valves e.g. Butterfly Valve, and the non-return
for the Water Supply Unit, along with the Strainers -
Checking the Piping and Nozzle
Solenoid Valve Assembly for its zonal activation with regard to
the Panel -
Piping check-up and cleaning (if required)
Checking the Manual Abort and Release Station/Alarm Device
Checking the Cylinder’s Threaded Connections for leakage
Testing the Supply Unit Ball Valve for its functionality
Checking the Heat Sensing Tube (HST) at the time of AMC and
replacing it on a chargeable basis (if physically damaged) -
Checking all Mechanical Actuation Units like spring, cartridge
or Pneumatic Actuation Unit -
Cleaning the Compressor Filters
Checking and cleaning (if dirty) of the water quality in the Tanks
Checking automation of the Pump functioning


Ceasefire has a strong network of company-owned and
managed branches in over 100 locations across India,
including metros and tier 1 and tier 2 cities. It’s why
Ceasefire is the only company in the fire safety industry
that offers standardised maintenance services to customers
who operate in multiple locations across the country.
These maintenance services can be governed and
monitored at one location for a client (typically client HQ),
yet executed across multiple locations.